Emergency Communications 9-1-1
The E9-1-1/ Communications Division of the Labette County Emergency Communications Department is responsible for dispatching the appropriate emergency services to the citizens of Labette County on a timely basis. The communications Division is also responsible for gathering and disseminating information in a manner designed to foster a spirit of "team work", with certified and motivated personnel.
LCEC was established as a stand alone county department in August of 2004. Since that time LCEC has been responsible for all the dispatching needs for the Sheriff's Department, Oswego Police, Altamont Police, Chetopa Police, Labette Health Ambulance Service, Labette County's nine volunteer Fire Departments, Labette County Emergency Management, and any State Agency that may need our services.
LCEC is Labette County's 9-1-1 answering point for all residents in Labette County with the exception of the City of Parsons. LCEC is the 9-1-1 answering point for all Wireless calls placed in the county, including the City of Parsons. LCEC has Phase II technology that enables the 9-1-1 dispatcher to locate a cell phone 9-1-1 caller with the use of triangulated tower locations. LCEC answered 3,818 cell phone 9-1-1 calls in 2007.
Vision for the future:
- Working closely with all emergency personnel within the County of Labette As well as surrounding agencies.
Seek citizen input into identifying problems, developing mutually acceptable solutions and establishing policies that directly impact communities.
Coordinate resources both within and outside the department to solve problems and reinforce department and community strengths.
Strive for a high level of community confidence and satisfaction.
Provide an environment of openness and cooperation with the public, emergency personnel, and government officials.
9-1-1 Guidelines:
- Stay calm.
- Know your surroundings: Even with all the cell phone technology a caller having a good idea of where they are will enable responders to find them quicker.
- Don't hang up: Never hang up the phone until the dispatcher tells you its okay to disconnect.
- Answer questions: The 91-1 dispatcher has several questions they will need to ask to assure you get the quickest possible response.
- Don't put yourself in harms way: When most people witness someone hurt, they want to help, but never put yourself in a dangerous situation. You could make a bad situation worst by getting yourself hurt.
Contact Info
Brandy Scott, KCEM
9-1-1 Director
718 5th St
Oswego KS 67356

911 Call Center