
Labette County's three-member Board of Commissioners meets on Mondays at 9 AM and at 9 AM the last working day of the month in the commission room on the first floor of the courthouse in Oswego. To be placed on the Commission agenda, call the county clerk's office at 620 795-2138, ext. 301.
Vince Schibi

Vince Schibi

County Commissioner - District One


  • Primary Contact Address:
  • 501 Merchant
    Oswego, KS 67356

Professional Profile

Vince Schibi was born and raised in Labette County. He graduated from Parsons High School in 1978. Received an Associate of Arts degree from Labette Community College in 1980. Then graduated from Pittsburg St University with BBA in business in 1983.

He founded ParCom Telephone Co in 1983 and continues to operate today.

His wife Mary and him are the parents of 11 children who all reside in Labette County except one son who is in Coffeyville.

He looks forward to serving all the people of Labette County.

Terry Weidert


Terry Weidert

County Commissioner-District TWO

Primary contact address:

  • 501 Merchant
    Oswego, KS 67356

Professional Profie

Terry Weidert is a life long resident of Labette County.  He graduated from Labette County High School, Labette Community College, and Kansas State University with a degree in Agronomy.

He is retired from Dayton Superior Corporation.  During his 35-year career he held several different positions, ultimately being named the Director of Manufacturing of 9 plants in several states.  Today he is actively involved in farming and managing a commercial cow/calf operation.  

Terry married his high school sweetheart, Peggy Carlson.  They have two adult daughters and five grandchildren.

In December 2021, Terry was appointed to fill a vacated commission seat effective January 2022.  



Tom Barrett

County Commissioner-District Three


Primary Contact Address:

  • 501 Merchant
    Oswego, KS 67356

Professional Profile